这里是废除工作研究所Here is the Institute of Work Abolition.

这里是废除工作研究所。顾名思义,废除工作研究所是一个关注人类社会废除工作进程以及推动与废    除工作有关的最新成果被更广泛地了解和接纳的科研小组。

Here is the Institute of Work Abolition.

As the name suggests, this institute for the abolition of work is a research group that focuses on the process of the abolition of work in human society, the promotion of a wider understanding and acceptance of the latest research results related to the work abolition.






By this crowdfunding article, we would like to explain to our friends:

  1. Why was the Institute of Work Abolition established?
  2. What is the research direction of the first phase of the institute?
  3. Why do we need money to establish it?
  4. What supporters can get in return?


Why research



Bob Black wrote in his pamphlet The Abolition of Work (1991) that rather than ‘democracy or capitalism’, or ‘industrialism’, the social system that human beings experience today is better to be called ‘factory fascism and office oligarchy’. Few people today enjoy their work. Not only does work represent monotony, boredom, and depression, but it also means trapping people in day-to-day cycle, that people are unable to get out to do what really interests them.

大卫·格雷伯也在“狗屁工作”(bullshit jobs)理论中提出,当代社会是一个人间地狱,因为许多人都把大部分时间浪费在他们并不喜欢的任务上。据他估计,当今有40%的工作都没有存在的必要。

David Greaber also argues in his theory of Bullshit Jobs (2018) that contemporary society is a hell on earth because a lot of people waste most of their time on tasks they don’t like. He estimates that 40% of jobs today are unnecessary.


Not only do the theorists think so, but those who worry about their jobs don’t want to work either. Low-quality jobs in the aftermath of the finacial crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic have brought job dissatisfaction to a peak. There have been successive waves of job cuts and job rejections across the globe.


In China, after the Sanhe Great God(“三和大神”) shouted the practical slogan of ‘work for one day and play for three days’, the corporate slaves in the internet enterprises also inssued an online initiative against the ‘996 working hour system’, which means people have to work from 9:00 A.M. till 9:00 P.M. for 6 days per week. Although the expected goal was not achieved, these demands were spread and developed into a broader anti-involution trend in society.

在德国,90万金属业工会(IG Metall )工人于2018年初通过集体行动争取到加薪以及一个破纪录的削减工时(从每周35小时减至28小时)协议。在美国,劳动力市场的职位空缺率和辞职也达到高峰。2021年11月创造了当月452万人辞职的历史最高纪录,被称为新冠疫情后的“大辞职”浪潮。

In Germany, 900,000 IG Metall workers fought through collective action in early 2018 to secure wage increases and a record-breaking agreement to cut working hours from 35 to 25 hours a week. In the U.S., job vacancies and resignations have also peaked in the labor market. In November 2021, a historical record of 4.52 million people resigned in that month, which is calld the ‘big resignation’ wave after the Covid-19 pandemic.


People act because their lives are different from what the prevailing values preach. News reports once said that with the help of automation, life would become easier for everyone. However, techonological advances have not led to significant reductions in working hours in major economies over the past few decades. Even according to official statistics at the government level, which are often lower than actual working hours, people have not ushered in a great liberation from work after the 1970s.

图表1   1870年-2015年部分国家人均年工作时长变化趋势图

Chart 1  Trend in annual hours worked per capita in selected countries,1870–2015



On the contrary, with the deepening of capitalist globalization, transnational

corporation-led industrial shifts and the fragmentation of work, the number of

hours worked by workers in most regions, especially in emerging economies,

have increased rather than decreased. Even in the older capitalist developed countries, the number of hours worked has not declined or declined slowly over the past four decades.However, government and corporate experiments with the four-day work week have emerged in many places. This may proof that we are indeed in a period of change. Something new can no longer be nipped in the bud.

西班牙政府2021年3月提出每周32小时(4天)的试验,这个项目为期三年,政府预计耗资 5000 万欧元对参与企业进行逐年递减的补贴。
澳大利亚政府2022年8月启动了一个为期六个月的试点,让20 家澳大利亚公司的员工每周工作四天且不降薪。

图表2 各地四天工作制试验列表

Subject of theexperimentTimeInitiative 
IcelandGovernment2015-2019Involved 2,500 people, with participantsWorking 35 hours per week at the same pay 
MicrosoftJapan 2019Piloted a four-day work week and claimed atThe end of the trial that the new working hours system had led to a 40% spike in productivity and savings in the company’s operating costs 
SpainishGovernment March 2021 Proposed a 32-hour(4-day) week trial, athree-year project with an estimat of €50Million in declining government subsidies forParticipating companies 
JapaneseGovernment June 2021 Inclusion of an optional four-day working week in annual economic policy guidelines 
BelgiumGovernment February2022 Passage of a draft legislation givingEmployees the right to request a four-dayWorking week 
United KingdomGovernment June 2022 Launched a four-day working hours trialInvolving 70 companies and 3,300 employees, which is considered the largest of its kind to be opened at government level 
AustralianGovernment August 2022 A six-month pilot has been launched withEmployees working four days a week at theSame pay in 20 Australian companies

Chart 2 List of four-day work trials in various regions


What we research



We believe it is necessary to clarify whether the current work experiment will lay the foundations of a new dominant work pattern, as the eight-hour day did more than a century ago, or whether it is simply a temporary means of coping with employment tensions.


Our research does not aim to advocate a “new era of work“, because we believe that there‘s something about work that cannot be improved. Our slogan is “abolish work. There is thus a fundamental difference between and these current work experiments. We believe that starting with these ready-made experiments will provide inspiraions for the next stage of our research and advocacy.

Here are some concepts that we learn from previous work.

1. Work Reduction



Is 4-day work week (reducing working hours) the same as reducing workload ? What are the influences of reducing working hours while preserving workload? What are the innovations behind government and enterprises for implementing the new working hours system? How will these experiments become part of the existing system? We are also concerned about the contradiction between the reduction of working hours and the massive act of government job creation and the proposal to cut working hours is being reintroduced after so long?


As early as 1910, the Industrial Workers of the World(IWW) put the slogan “4
hoursaday, 4 days a week” on a poster

2. Neo-Work Experiments 

Chart 3 New Work Experiments
图表3 新工作试验


We seek to explore what the various new work experiments (Fig 2.1 New Work Experiments) actually mean for workers. Has the top-down structure been effective in adressing the challenges faced by workers? Are they as revolutionary as their proponents claim? How do grassroots actions and initiatives relate to these work experiments?

3. Feminism and Work Abolition



We need to implement a feminist perspective in the research on the abolition of work and the experiments. Past experience has shown that even after commodification and marketization of reproductive labor, the burden still fall mostly on women. Are the current experiments with new work conductive to freeing women from the double whammy of workplace and domestic work?

4. The theory of Work Abolition 



We have already gained some insight into this line of research.This section will cover: a. the historical evolution of human working patterns and ideologies of work; b.a literature review of work and post-work theories; c.the exploration and revelation of work in fine arts and play; d.the technical route of abolishing work.


#Human labor time have not decreased with the development of productivity


Today we take for granted the idea that people in primitive societies spent so much time hunting and gathering to get basic food and clothing needs , which they prematurely consumed their physical health. So we assume that as civilization evolves and technology advances, life will get easier. But the thought has been questioned.

3. Feminism and Work Abolition



We need to implement a feminist perspective in the research on the abolition of work and the experiments. Past experience has shown that even after commodification and marketization of reproductive labor, the burden still fall mostly on women. Are the current experiments with new work conductive to freeing women from the double whammy of workplace and domestic work?

4. The theory of Work Abolition 



We have already gained some insight into this line of research.This section will cover: a. the historical evolution of human working patterns and ideologies of work; b.a literature review of work and post-work theories; c.the exploration and revelation of work in fine arts and play; d.the technical route of abolishing work.


#Human labor time have not decreased with the development of productivity


Today we take for granted the idea that people in primitive societies spent so much time hunting and gathering to get basic food and clothing needs , which they prematurely consumed their physical health. So we assume that as civilization evolves and technology advances, life will get easier. But the thought has been questioned.

Chart 4 Work styles in different ages

图表4 不同时代的工作方式


In fact, it was in the age of machine production that the call for being unable to stand or even abolishing work began to flourish. But until now, we still haven’t achieved that. The theory of abolishing work has to inquire deeply into why it could not be done and how it can be done in today’s society.

图表5 不同工作模型下的周工作时长统计图
Chart 5 Weekly work hours statistics in different work models


# Past improvements to work didn’t make people love work either

图表6 传统社会主义模式下改造工作的策略
Chart 6 Strategies for Reconstruction Work in the Traditional Socialist Model


Traditional Marxists believe that centralized economic management based on public ownership by the state can fundamentally make work a pleasure. In addition to that, they have tried many ways to improve their work , some of which are not successful.


In a capitalist economy, we could see variations of these work improvement

measures. There are some similarities between the improvements to work under the two systems.

图表7 两种体制下工作改良策略的对应关系
Chart 7 Correspondence of work improvement strategies in the two systems


# Methods for abolishing work


But the call for abolishing (or even reduction) of work has never really entered into

the reformists’ agendas. In both the Soviet Union and the United States,  recreation and holidays emerged as rewards for labor. The middle-class

Lifestyle was tied to a steady full-time job, and slackers were stigmatized.

Some methods of abolishing work have been proposed by many prominent

theorists(see below), but they have not yet been implemented.

图表8 废除工作的方法
Chart 8  Methods for abolishing work


#How to think about technology


One of the current popular argument holds that jobs will be replaced by automated machines. But we don’t think jobs will disappear of their own accord. Instead, new technologies can be invented to generate more jobs——and that’s probably what we’re experiencing. The challenge for theories of abolishing work is thus no longer how to make good use of machines, but to criticize the technological route that lead to work. Another key point is to cooperate with scientific researchers to create technological pathways that lead to work abolition.



Our preliminary plan



Set up the common research on space


The nature of our research will possibly make our institution a mobile group. However, we still hope that our researchers can have los of discussions and consultations offline, and conduct some real-life tests on account of results of research. In other words, we want to validate our research results in a common living environment and research organization. In addition,  it is necessary to build research space that provides stopover for research in different places,. The space also helps more friends who are interested in our research to communicate with us face to face and provide input.


We hope to complete the construction and renovation of several small research spaces before October this year. If you want to know more about the progress of the research space, welcome to join the crowdfunding and add our contacts person for details.

Research space location



To recruit researchers for a minimum of 2 years to conduct the first phase

of research


Researchers are expected to organize their lives around their research interests. So it’s necessary to provide them with basic income for a period of time. Field trips and surveys are important research methods. Long-term

Participatory research will take up most of there searchers’ working time,

which makes it difficult for them to earn other income through mainstream

working patterns.


Our research directions may include: a. the situations of workers in non-standard working hours (casual, freelance); b. the situations of members in intentional communities; c. the situations of workers in typical long-hour industries; d. the situations of the unemployed; e. the situations of participants in new working trials abroad(such as 4 days work trials listed in Table 1); f. the situations of female workers.


We hope to complete the researcher recruitment by September 2022 and to develop an outline of the initial research program by December 2022.



To release and publicate research anthology


From time to time,we will release our periodical research results through a regular channel via newsletter and telegram. And eventually we will bring them together into a research anthology of the institute for publication.We hope to have the Abolishing Work Study published by December 2024.



About the crowdfunding


Target: 100,000 CNY


众筹开支项目 数额及计算 
 研究空间开支(房租及水电、取暖费用) 1万元/年*2年=2万元
 研究员基本收入 500元/月*24个月*3人=3.6万元 
 跨地调研费用(交通费、食宿费等) 500元/月*24个月*3人=3.6万元 
 研究自出版费用 设计费用5000元+印刷费用3000元=8000元 
 合计 10万元

brief expenses sheet

Crowdfunding expense itemsAmount and measurement
 Research space costs( rent, utilities and heating costs)10,000 CNY/year*2 years=20,000 CNY
 Basic income of researchers500CNY/month*24months*3 persons=36,000 CNY
 Cross-regional research costs (transport, accommodation, etc.)500 CNY/month*24months*3persons=36,000 CNY
 Research self-publishing costsdesign 5000 CNY
+printing 3000 CNY=8000 CNY
 Total  100,000 CNY


All the donors will become our research supporters and can voluntarily choose to join the institute’s supporters’ group chat via telegram, where the research expenses will be publicized regularly.

Welcome to join us on Telegram: ?






How to participate

You can support us in ETH

ETH address:


3 回馈



Once you support us, you can get the following rewards:

  1. 定期收到废除工作研究所最详细的研究报告


  • 《废除工作研究》出版物纸质版或电子版一份


A. Regularly receive the most detailed research reports from the Institute of Work Abolition.

*We will publish an overview of our regular research on our newsletter, but the full text of the report is only available to supporters.

B. One hard copy or electronic copy of the publication “Abolishing Work Study

*If you provide a mailing address within mainland China, we will send you the paper version of the book; otherwise, we will send the electronic version of the book to the email address you provide.

  • 拜访我们的线下研究空间的机会


  • 加入废除工作研究所的线上/线下社群


C. Opportunity to visit our offline research space

You can apply to visit our offline research space in mainland China.

D. Join the online/offline community of the Abolition Work Institute

Our online community is built through telegram.





如果您有任何问题想要咨询,也可以通过邮箱:IWA2023@protonmail.com 和我们联系



阶段 计划完成时间馈赠邮寄时间
招募研究员2022.9 _
空间搭建2022.10 _
制定第一阶段研究大纲2022.12 _
众筹支持者申请空间拜访和住宿2023.2.1-不限  _
《废除工作研究》 2024.122025.3 前

Project schedule

StagesCompletion timeGift mailing time
Recruit researchers2022.9 _
Build research space2022.10 _
Outline the 1st stage study2022.12 _
Sponsors apply for space visits and accommodationunlimited time after 2023.2.1,.  _
PublishThe AbolishingWork Study2024.12Before 2025.3
